Logo Rottstr5-Kunsthallen // Artists


Avi Kaiser and Sergio Antonino are artists in residence in the cities of Duisburg and Tel Aviv.

Seit 2002 schufen Avi Kaiser und Sergio Antonino 20 Stücke, die in Deutschland, Italien, Polen, USA, Kanada, der Türkei, Österreich, Israel, Belgien produziert und präsentiert wurden.

Sie sind Artists in Residence der Städte Tel Aviv und Duisburg wo sie jeweils ein Studio betreiben, in dem sie verschiedene künstlerische Disziplinen mit der Kunst der Bewegung zusammenbringen.


“They dance with an almost mystic connection between them. On the dance floor they seem almost as one being. A wave of motion that takes the viewer along a joint journey of a boundary breaking experience. Two dancers, two men, two body languages projecting power and freedom, a visual dialog that connects all possible artistic media. Their movements are always influenced by the “now” that they find themselves in, by the connection between the reality that surrounds them and influences them and inspiration taken from mythical and classical art. Each one brings a unique and body culture typical to him, but the joint dialogue of dance between them transforms the pair into one strong, homogenous being. After endless productions across all continents, from Europe to Canada and the States, from the stages of eastern Europe to dance workshops in Africa, they travel from place to place, study, soak up inspiration and cast their impressions into their work”.   [Art Curator – Doron Polak]