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St. Kirchhoff - git

Stefan Kirchhoff, born 1986, plays guitars, preparations, electronics, found objects, toys and all sorts of trash and composes electroacoustic music.

Active in the fields of noise, free improvisation, new music, jazz, electronica.

Currents ensembles include the noise/performance-quartett “Katastrophia”, the free improvising trio “Oper, Skepsis und Gleisbau” and an continually changing duo with Joscha Hendricksen called “STD&ENDE”

Theater/Dance pieces for which St.Kirchhoff has performed and composed music include:

“Close your Eyes” (with Jayrope) and “Funny, How?” (with Roberto Zuniga) by Samir Akika
“Somewhere” by Andy Zondag
“The Kitchen” by Alexandra Morales
“Aymara” by Alexandra Morales
“Die Rabenfrau” written by Marcel Cremer, directed by Franz Bernhard Schrewe
“The Deeper I Go” by Katrin Banse & Judith Ouwens